Message from the Founder
Needless to say, creating Social Bubble and the entire Final Major Project for UAL London College of Communication has been a rollercoaster. A challenging, yet rewarding feat that I am proud to put my name to. However, Social Bubble would not be here today without such a solid support team.
First, thank you to my tutor, Dr Paul Caplan for helping me to challenge my thoughts, inspiring a refreshing creativity in my work I will continue to allow to grow.
Thank you to the MA Ads class of 2020/21, particularly Alice and Lynn who were my creative partners and confidents along with the marathon of a year. And, thank you to my participants for giving up hours of their time to help me in exchange for a pint
Thank you to Rosie and Faris for providing me with the opportunity to collaborate on such an exciting and relevant piece of work.
Thank you to Mum and Dad for being my rocks - and Dad for turning the shed into my office (I don't think I would have finished the project without it).
And finally to James, for being James.

If for whatever reason you feel inspired by Social Bubble or want to send over a question. Feel free to fill out the form, or just email me. It would probably be easier.